List of article excerpts in English
- Prisotnost z odsotnostjo (Presence with absence) by Aljaž Krivec (2.6.2021). About a poetry collection roko razje by Vesna Liponik.
- Zoopoetika v poeziji Tomaža Šalamuna, v dveh delih (Zoopoetics in poetry of Tomaž Šalamun, in two parts) by Marjetka Golež Kaučič (9.6.2021 and 16.6.2021). About animal imagery in poetry of Tomaž Šalamun, a well known Slovenian poet who is also translated in English.
- Ronja, razbojnica, ki ropa (življenja) živali(m) (Ronja, the robbers who robs animals (of their lives)) by Tanja Badalič (23.6.2021). An article about Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren from CAS perspective.
- Poziv k transparentnosti (A call for transparency) by Anja Radaljac (7.7.2021). An article about Animal Enterprise Transparency Project (AETP), a Slovenian project dedicated to exposing the reality of a local (pig) farm.
- Miloserčnost do žival Mihaela Stojana, v dveh delih (Mercy to the Animals by Mihael Stojan, in two parts) by Miklavž Komelj (21.7.2021 and 28.7.2021). The article presents a 1846 brochure by Mihael Stojan, published as part of the movement against animal abuse.
- Da bo bo volk sit … in cel! (Run with the hare and hunt with the … hares) by Tanja Badalič (19.8.2021). The article aims to shed light on the Wolf’s character in Little Red Riding Hood through a CAS lense.
- Kult, kultura in kultivirano meso (Cult, culture and cultivated meat) by Aljaž Krivec (1.9.2021). The article poses questions concerning cultivated meat in regard to animal ethics, ecology etc.
- Opravičljivo (Excusable) by Aljaž Krivec (15.9.2021). The article refers to (and summarizes) an article by Gary L. Francione, while giving some original insights into the vaccines ethics.
